22 TIPS That Will Help You and Your Toddler Navigate Emotions

22 TIPS That Will Help You and Your Toddler Navigate Emotions

As a parent, you want what's best for your toddler and can't always know the steps to take when it comes to managing their emotional ups and downs. Don't worry — we get it! Keeping children happy, healthy, and thriving requires a lot of hard work...and patience. That’s why we put together this list of 22 strategies that will help you create long-term solutions as well as provide immediate relief during particularly trying times with your little one. From coming up with clever coping mechanisms to effectively communicating with them even during tough moments — these strategies will help you ensure both your child and yourself have the tools necessary to navigate these tumultuous yet beautiful stages of development parenting can bring. Best part is that these tips are great for both kids and adults to understand and cope with emotions to help us stay mentally healthy and emotionally regulated.

Introduction: What is regulation of emotions in toddlers and why it’s important

When it comes to toddlers, it is important to regulate emotions in order to help them successfully make the transition from infancy to toddlerhood. Emotion regulation helps young children learn how to control their behavior and respond appropriately in various situations. This includes learning how to express their feelings, manage stress, and develop healthy relationships.
Regulating emotions also helps children become more self-aware and better understand what they’re feeling. Through this process children can begin developing vital skills like problem-solving, communication, and conflict resolution that will serve them well later in life. It also helps build an emotional connection between parent and child as the child learns how others display emotion through facial expressions, body language, and verbal cues.
As adults, when we get overwhelmed, overstimulated, anxious, annoyed or anything in between, most of the time we're able to take a break, go for a drive, vent to a friend or just take a shower and make a snack. Toddlers, however, don't have those options, they rely heavily on their parents and caregivers for almost everything. As an example, gently guiding your toddler through breathing exercises is one way to help them learn how to regulate their emotions in a healthy way. We should also aim to demonstrate these understandings ourselves; when we're feeling frustrated or upset, our toddlers should see that there are constructive methods for handling our own emotions too. By tackling toddler emotions head-on with both understanding and consistency, we can ensure that their first days of learning and growth remain mindful and loving.
Teaching toddlers about regulating emotions can be done through positive reinforcement for appropriate behaviors or verbal reminders when a child needs help recognizing how they should be responding in a certain situation. Modeling positive behavior is key when teaching toddlers about managing their emotions–parents can demonstrate calm reactions as well as provide reassurance during difficult moments so the child feels safe and secure while learning these important skills.
Additionally, allowing toddlers space to express themselves through creative activities such as drawing or playing with toys can help them better recognize and communicate their feelings when words are not enough.

1. Create clutter-free environments to help regulate emotions

When it comes to regulating emotions, having a clutter-free environment can be incredibly helpful. Clutter can cause unnecessary stress, overwhelm us with too many decisions, and make us feel like we’re not in control of our own space. Having a clean and organized home or office allows us to focus on what matters most and clear our mind so that we can better manage our emotions.
Decluttering your space and your kids space also helps to create a sense of calm. Removing items that are no longer necessary or making sure everything has its own place can help us feel more in control of our environment and reduce feelings of anxiety. With a playroom full of different toys, colors, and sounds, playtime can be overwhelming for a little one. By decluttering, cleaning up or including toy rotation in your routine, you can help your little one focus, without being overwhelmed by decisions. It also helps us better prioritize the tasks and activities that truly matter and free up energy for more meaningful pursuits. Additionally, by creating a peaceful place to retreat in times of intense emotion, it makes it easier to react mindfully rather than with instinctive reactions.
Having an organized space also encourages healthier habits such as improved sleep quality, increased productivity, and healthier eating habits – all which will contribute to helping regulate emotions in the long run. Finally, when we let go of items that no longer serve us, we open ourselves up for new opportunities for growth and exploration which can lead to greater feelings of joy and contentment in life.

2. Art activities like coloring, drawing, and painting can help regulate emotions

Engaging in art activities can be a powerful way to regulate and express emotions. Art has been proven to be an effective tool for managing feelings of anger, sadness, and stress, and can even help those with depression or anxiety to better cope. By channeling energy into a creative outlet, it can serve as a distraction from overwhelming thoughts or feelings that arise.
Coloring is an especially popular activity for calming the mind. The repetitive nature of coloring helps to relax the body, while focusing on completing a picture allows the mind to focus away from any worries or anxieties. It is also known to reduce cortisol levels in the body, which is associated with high stress and anxiety. Whether it's with crayons, markers, or pencils, your little one will love creating and coloring, increasing their imagination, while also making them feel in control of their creation.
Drawing and painting are both excellent avenues for expression. When done thoughtfully and intentionally, they can provide insight into what one may truly be feeling beneath the surface, thereby allowing these emotions to be released onto paper instead of swirling around inside the individual's head. It gives us permission to tap into our creativity and explore our innermost desires without judgement or fear of repercussion. Painting is also a great sensory activity for little ones, plus they can learn about colors, and how colors mix to make new colors. If you're worried about the mess, try painting outside, in the bath, or you can also get an inflatable pool for any messy or sensory activities.
In summary, art activities such as coloring, drawing, and painting are useful tools for kids and adults for regulating emotions and providing insight into our inner thoughts and feelings. Utilizing them regularly can help those struggling with depression or anxiety to manage their symptoms more effectively by giving them an outlet to express themselves without fear of judgement or criticism.

3. Acknowledging accidents and redirecting play can help regulate emotions

When children are playing, it is important to not only be present as an adult but also to actively observe the play. Accidents are bound to happen and it is important for adults to be able to recognize when they do and take action in order to help the child regulate their emotions. It is natural for a child to feel overwhelmed, angry, or scared after an accident occurs. It can be difficult for children to express these emotions in a constructive way and they may end up acting out in frustration or fear. As a result, it is important for adults to step in and provide a means of support while helping them redirect their play away from the situation that caused the accident. It's important to explain that accidents are accidents and it wasn't anyone fault, so your child doesn't accumulate unnecessary guilt or anxiety.
One way adults can redirect play is by providing distractions that help children stay focused on something else. This could include talking about something unrelated or offering a toy or game that encourages positive behavior. Doing this helps create a sense of safety and security for the child as well as prevents further accidents from occurring since the focus of their attention has changed. Additionally, simply being there with understanding and compassion can make all the difference in how a child processes what happened. Taking time to talk through what happened and helping them put things into perspective can help them manage their emotions more effectively going forward.
Redirecting play also allows adults an opportunity to teach children appropriate ways of dealing with their feelings during challenging situations. By giving them language that accurately reflects what they are feeling in those moments, such as “I’m so sad right now, because (summarize event)” instead of just “I’m sad”, adults can empower children with positive coping strategies that will stay with them long after playtime is over. It is also important for adults to model calming behaviors such as taking deep breaths and counting down from ten when upset - this helps teach children how to regulate their own emotions without resorting to lashing out at one another or throwing tantrums when things don’t go as planned during playtime activities.

4. Encourage asking for help when needed

It is important to know when you need help and how to ask for it. Being able to recognize signs that indicate you need assistance and reaching out for help when needed is a critical part of personal growth and development. Asking for help demonstrates strength, not weakness. It can also signal that you care about yourself enough to take action in order to receive the support you need. Asking for help does not always mean admitting defeat; instead, it can be seen as being proactive in creating the best possible outcome. Best way for your child to learn to ask for help, is by seeing the example from you. You can model during play with puzzles, toys, drawing by asking questions like,
"Can you help me put this piece in?"
"I need help, Im trying to find this piece and I just don't see it"
"Will you help me find the blue crayon?"
Modeling the behavior or asking for help will not only demonstrate the appropriate behavior during these situations, but it will also increase your child self confidence and self esteem, when they feel like an expert at something and providing help to you, in a world where they are usually on the other side.
It is important to remember that people are willing to help if they understand why they are being asked. It’s a good idea to clearly state your needs and explain why their assistance is necessary. Furthermore, be polite and appreciative when asking for help as this will often result in the person being more willing to offer assistance. It may also be useful to ask specific questions such as “How can I do this?” or “Can you show me how?” This will provide clear direction on what kind of help is needed and make it easier for someone else to provide assistance.

5. Retrace steps or have discussions for clarification to help toddlers understand and process their feelings.

When it comes to helping toddlers understand and process their feelings, retracing steps or discussions can be a useful tool. This type of exercise involves engaging the toddler in talking about an event or experience to help them identify what happened, how they felt during the incident, and how they can better handle a similar situation in the future. As parents or caregivers, it is important to approach this type of conversation gently and without judgement.

Begin by listening closely to your child’s story and asking open-ended questions that encourage further discussion. This helps them feel heard and understood without feeling judged or forced into a particular way of thinking. After gaining an understanding of what happened, you can then start retracing steps or discussions. This involves asking them to go back over the details of the incident such as how they were feeling at different points throughout it and how they reacted in certain situations.
By going through these details together, you are able to have a better understanding of their thought processes during the event which can help point out any possible areas for improvement for handling similar experiences in the future. It also provides an opportunity for your toddler to practice problem solving skills as you discuss potential solutions together for dealing with difficult emotions that may arise in the future. Ultimately, retracing steps or discussions helps toddlers gain insight into their feelings so that they can learn more effective strategies for managing them going forward.

6. Take breaks outside to change the environment

Taking a break outside is often an underrated activity, yet it can be a great way to boost creativity and productivity. Even as adults when we’re stuck in the same indoor environment day after day, it can be easy to fall into a rut and become less productive. But by changing the environment—even if just for a few minutes—we can break out of that rut and refresh our minds.
One of the main benefits to taking breaks outside is getting exposure to natural light. Natural light has so many benefits for kids and adults, it can help improve mood, reduce fatigue, and even increase alertness. Additionally, the fresh air outdoors can help perk you up and give you more energy than being cooped up indoors all day.
Finally, taking regular outdoor breaks is essential for staying healthy both physically and mentally. Studies have shown that spending time outdoors is linked with improved mental well-being as well as physical health benefits such as increased immunity against illnesses like colds, flu's, allergies, asthma etc. Plus, if exercise is part of your daily routine then going for walks during breaks outdoors allows you to get some exercise in without putting too much extra stress on your body since it's broken up over many smaller periods instead of one long session at once.

7. Encourage movement activities like dancing to help regulate emotions

One way to regulate emotions bot both kids and adults is through movement activities such as dancing. Dancing is an incredibly powerful, yet often overlooked, tool to help regulate and restore balance in our minds and bodies. It helps us move out of negative states and into a positive frame of mind, allowing us to become more aware of our feelings and express them in healthier ways. When we dance, we tap into the power of our body and its ability to both release tensions in the body and increase endorphins that make us feel good. We can use dance to help deal with stress, relieve tension or worry, or simply enjoy ourselves and forget about the worries of everyday life. Putting on Wheels on the Bus or singing the Hokey Pokey together, could be a great way to be present in the moment, get. any extra stress out through movement, and co regulate emotions together.

8. Provide simple activities like puzzles that can help keep a toddler focused on one thing at a time

Focusing a toddler on one task can be challenging, but it doesn't have to be! Engaging them in simple activities like puzzles can help keep their attention and allow them to focus on one thing at a time. Puzzles provide an opportunity for children to practice problem-solving skills, as well as introduce concepts like pattern recognition and spatial awareness. They also help develop hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills, and color recognition. Puzzles come in various shapes and sizes—from basic jigsaw puzzles to building block sets—and offer toddlers a fun way to explore the world around them.
Engaging toddlers in puzzles helps them learn how to take turns and follow directions (by looking at what’s already on the board), as well as encourages perseverance (by completing each piece until the puzzle is finished). With parental guidance, puzzles can even teach young children about shapes and numbers, helping them recognize patterns and build spatial thinking skills. It’s also important for parents to note that different age groups may require different types of puzzles; for example, younger toddlers may prefer large wooden boards with bright colors while older toddlers may enjoy small plastic pieces or magnetic tiles.
Overall, engaging toddlers in puzzles offers an educational experience that goes beyond simply providing entertainment. Not only do puzzles stimulate cognitive development, they also provide an opportunity for socialization by teaching kids cooperation and communication skills. By giving their little ones plenty of time to complete puzzles independently or together with others, parents can help foster a sense of self-confidence in their children while helping them acquire new skills. While your little one is working away at a puzzle, they will be able to remain in the present, and relieve stress or anxiety that often 'cause those big feels.

9. Model counting to 10 as a way to get back in control of emotions

When it comes to managing emotions, it is important to be proactive. One simple but effective tool to help get back in control of emotions is counting up or down from a certain number. This can help to stop the runaway train of thoughts that can happen when we are feeling overwhelmed by our emotions. Counting can provide a distraction and also give us something else to focus on rather than dwelling on our negative feelings.
Counting up from one to ten is a great way to start getting control over strong emotions. Starting with one and counting up slowly, taking each number and focusing on saying it with intention, can help us slow down and become mindful of how we are feeling in the present moment. It can be helpful to count out loud if this doesn’t disturb those around you or you could count silently in your head if you prefer. Doing this repeatedly until you reach ten will also help you break out of the negative spiral and move towards a more positive emotional state.
Try including "Count to 10" practice with your toddler multiple times throughout the day, they will get accustomed to counting and taking the time to breath. Plus its a great way to quickly check in with your little one and connect, giving yourself and them an opportunity to re-calibrate and regulate their emotions.

10. Encourage slow movements in puzzles to avoid frustration

When it comes to solving puzzles, the key is in taking your time. It's easy to become frustrated as an adult, when you're stuck on a particular puzzle and can't quite figure out how to progress. When this happens, rather than rushing through steps or guessing at solutions, it's best to take a step back and move slower. Encourage your little one to move "slowly" as they place the pieces in. Help them understand the direction of the pieces with commentary like "Oh I like how you're putting the corners of the square in, and matching the sides."
By slowing down and not pushing too hard, they are less likely to become overwhelmed or discouraged by the challenge of the puzzle. They'll also be better able to recognize patterns and clues that will help you work through the puzzle in an efficient manner. Slowing down can also help encourage creativity and problem-solving skills as you look for new ways of approaching the challenge. Slowing down can provide a sense of calmness while attempting a difficult task; this can be especially helpful if you're feeling anxious or stressed about completing the puzzle.
This practice can also be applied to many different areas, such as reminders when getting. dressed to avoid growing frustration with zippers or shoe laces for example. Remind your little one to move "slowly" when figuring out how to get dressed, like they do when solving puzzles, to help them avoid frustrations.

11. Demonstrate deep breathing exercises for your toddler and you throughout the day for relaxation and comfort

As parents, it is important to provide our children with tools that help them learn how to relax. Deep breathing exercises can be an effective way for toddlers to reduce stress and maintain a sense of calm throughout their day. Deep breathing exercises can be done anywhere and at any time, making them especially convenient for busy parents looking for quick and easy ways to give their child a break.
When practicing deep breathing with your toddler, start by teaching them the basics of deep inhalation and exhalation. Explain that they will take a deep breath in through their nose, slowly filling up their lungs until their stomach expands outward. Then have them slowly exhale out through their mouth as if they are blowing out a candle. Repeat this exercise several times in order to teach your little one the rhythm of deep breathing.
Once your toddler has mastered the basics, you can expand on their practice with other techniques such as visualization or guided imagery. Visualization exercises involve guiding your child through an imaginary world where they feel relaxed and safe. Helping them create a story of peace and serenity while they focus on each inhale and exhale can be incredibly calming. It can be as simple as telling them a story about their favorite animal, like a bunny hopping through the garden and looking for carrots. Guided imagery is similar but involves using specific images or scenes as visual cues while they practice deep breaths. For example, instructing your child to imagine being surrounded by tall trees or lying on warm sand as they breathe deeply will help cultivate a sense of relaxation in both body and mind.
In addition to providing relaxation benefits for your child, these practices can also help develop mindful awareness which can lead to improved concentration skills over time. Practicing these simple techniques each day can be incredible helpful for both you and your toddler in managing stress levels throughout the day!

12. Drinking a cup of water can help to calm down as well as regulate emotions

When it comes to the regulation of emotions, toddlers can have a difficult time. As children are still learning about their feelings and the world around them, they can often become overwhelmed and struggle with managing their emotions. Drinking a cup of water is one way to help them cope with this challenge. Water helps our bodies in many ways and can also be beneficial when it comes to calming down.

Water helps regulate body temperature and keeps us hydrated, both of which are essential for physical and mental health. When a toddler is feeling overwhelmed or angry, helping them drink some water can provide a momentary distraction from the emotion they’re dealing with. The physical act of drinking a cup of water requires focus and concentration, diverting their attention away from whatever is causing them distress. The soothing act of drinking can also help relax their body and mind, providing relief from any negative emotions they may be experiencing.
Drinking water also has calming properties that can assist in calming down an individual who is feeling agitated or anxious. Studies have shown that drinking cold or lukewarm water triggers the brain to release hormones that help decrease stress levels and reduce anxiety. By encouraging your toddler to drink a cup of cold or warm water whenever they’re feeling overwhelmed or emotional, you’ll be helping them find balance and promote relaxation in their body and mind.
Aside from its calming effects on emotions, drinking water has an array of other benefits for toddlers as well. Water aids digestion by breaking down foods more easily for easier absorption into the body, flushes out toxins from the body more quickly, boosts energy levels throughout the day, regulates bodily functions such as breathing and circulation, etc. All these benefits make it clear why providing your toddler with plenty of water will benefit them on so many levels – mentally as well as physically!

13. Understanding that some things are out of our control like weather patterns

Rainy days can certainly put a damper on activities and plans, but there is no reason to let them affect our moods too. We can take charge of the things that we can control, like how we respond to the weather. By finding activities that both you and your toddler love, it can help create uplifting and positive emotions. For instance, if your toddler loves playing with play-doh, then pull out some of their favorite colors and spend some time creating fun shapes together. Or if they prefer painting or drawing, set up an easel or table in front of a window so they can paint and watch the rain come down outside. If you're looking for some fun indoor toddler activities, here are 40 easy and fun activities you can do with your toddler with very little to no prep.
By engaging in activities that you and your toddler both enjoy on rainy days, it helps build bonds and reinforces healthy emotional regulation which helps children manage their emotions better as they grow older. It also gives parents an opportunity to talk about the power of resilience when faced with unexpected difficulties (like a rainy day!) and model appropriate ways to react to upsetting situations. And by making the best of it, you create wonderful memories for you both that will last for years!

14. Find something you love to do as an outlet for big feelings

One of the best outlets for big emotions is to do something you love. This could be anything from painting to playing an instrument, baking to sport, reading a book or even crafting. Doing something you enjoy can help to create a distraction and mind-set shift when feeling overwhelmed, and is a great way to show your toddler how you manage your emotions and offer them fun activities they love to help them through their big moments. Any activity that embraces creative expression can be an excellent way to express your feelings without having to verbalize them. It can also provide an opportunity for self-reflection and mindfulness by focusing on the task at hand and detaching yourself from any negative feelings in the moment.

Creative hobbies are also an opportunity to express your emotions through art, which can be both satisfying and therapeutic. Artistic expression has been used as therapy for centuries and continues to be used today in many forms of treatment. Creating art provides a way for people to externalize their inner thoughts and feelings that may otherwise remain internalized and harder for them to process.
By engaging in activities you enjoy, it can open up channels of communication within ourselves that allow us to work through our emotions in ways we may not have considered before. Additionally, if we don’t feel comfortable talking about our feelings or being vocal about them, this provides a safe space for us where we can still explore what is going on inside us without having to verbalize it.
Overall, finding activities you like doing is a great outlet for big feelings that can help your toddler find peace in moments of difficulty or stress. Not only is it enjoyable but it also creates an opportunity for understanding your own emotions better while providing a useful distraction during difficult times.

15. Take breaks throughout the day as needed, for both toddlers and parents

The importance of taking breaks throughout the day cannot be understated, especially when caring for toddlers. It is essential for both the child and the parent to take regular breaks throughout the day, as it allows both individuals to recharge and reset. Taking breaks is an important way to create a sense of balance in a caretaker and toddler's schedule, enabling both parties to find an optimal level of energy and engagement. Allowing time for rest, relaxation, and play can not only help reduce stress levels but also promote healthy physical and emotional development in children. Breaks also provide parents with much needed respite from the often chaotic nature of life with a young child. These moments of respite can help restore parental patience and help ensure that interactions with their children remain positive and loving.
It can be difficult for parents to remember to take breaks since childcare frequently requires round-the-clock vigilance. However, it is possible to incorporate short periods of down time into even the most hectic schedules. For example, taking five minutes every hour or two throughout the day to do something that brings joy or peace can make a big difference in maintaining energy levels for both parent and toddler alike. Simple activities like reading a book together or going for a short walk around the block are great ways to enjoy some quality time while still allowing each person time away from their responsibilities as caregiver or child. Additionally, carving out larger blocks of time during weekends or holidays can be beneficial in helping build stronger bonds between family members while allowing everyone involved much needed moments of rest.

16. Blowing bubbles is a great way to redirect from big feels after acknowledgment of those feelings or events

Blowing bubbles is a great way to take a break from big feelings after acknowledging them. This can provide an outlet for anxious or stressed feelings and help us stay in the present moment. The deep breaths needed to generate enough air pressure to blow the bubbles helps relax your toddlers breathing, calming their body and mind. Plus, it gives their brain something else to focus on besides any worries or concerns you might have.
Another benefit of blowing bubbles is that it encourages mindfulness. In its simplest form, mindfulness is the practice of being more aware of your thoughts and feelings without judgement or expectation. Blowing bubbles requires careful attention and presence in the moment, as making sure all the bubble components are in check takes concentration. Noticing how the light reflects off each bubble or how quickly the bubbles rise up into the air can help you practice mindfulness without even realizing it!
Finally, blowing bubbles provides a sense of joy that can help bring perspective back into whatever anxious situation you were trying to take a break from in the first place. There's something almost magical about how these seemingly impossible things come together - soap, water, and air - and create something so light and fragile yet also so captivatingly beautiful at the same time. To see this kind of beauty appear before your eyes is truly mesmerizing - which makes perfect sense when you consider that science has shown us that our brains release dopamine when we engage in pleasurable activities like watching bubble-blowing shows!

17. Petting an animal or getting hugs can help cope with emotions

The simple act of petting an animal, or getting a hug, can have profound effects on our emotions. While it may seem like a small gesture, studies have shown that the physical contact associated with these activities helps to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. For those who are feeling overwhelmed, the tactile sensations provided by petting an animal can soothe away tension and help us relax. Additionally, research has also demonstrated that hugging stimulates the release of oxytocin — a hormone responsible for creating feelings of closeness and trust — which further reduces stress and increases feelings of contentment.
Although we can all benefit from these simple activities, they’re especially important for kids as well as adults who live alone or find themselves feeling lonely or isolated. Animals provide unconditional love and support — something that humans often cannot always offer in times of need. Pet owners also tend to be healthier overall; as studies show that having a furry friend boosts our immunity and even lowers blood pressure levels. Similarly, giving and receiving hugs has been linked to increased feelings of happiness and security; both of which can make life’s trials and tribulations more manageable. Thus making petting an animal or getting hugs an ideal way to cope with difficult emotions in a healthy manner.

18. Listening to music or singing songs can provide comfort during difficult times for both toddlers and parents

Listening to music or singing songs can provide a great source of comfort during difficult times. For toddlers, music can be a powerful tool in helping them express and manage their emotions, while providing a sense of calm and security. Music has the ability to evoke emotion, allowing children to feel safe and secure in their environment. Singing songs with lyrics that are full of love and kindness is an excellent way for toddlers to learn about feelings and cope with difficult situations. Music also helps children develop language skills like rhythm, rhyme and pronunciation, which can help them feel more confident in expressing themselves.
For parents, music can be an emotional outlet as well as a form of self-care. Parents often experience stress from parenting or from life in general, and listening to music can provide an escape from the daily grind. It can allow parents to focus on something other than their worries for a few moments each day and release some of their built-up tension. Music can also help parents bond with their toddlers by creating interactive activities like dancing together or playing instruments together. This shared activity allows parents to connect with their children on an emotional level as well as physically.
Overall, listening to music or singing songs can be incredibly beneficial for both toddlers and parents during stressful times. It serves not only as a source of comfort but also as a way for both generations to connect on an emotional level through shared experiences. Some fun and easy to listen to music that both kids and adults can enjoy are Raffi alums or Super Simple Songs on Youtube.

19. Affirmations can build confidence, self-assurance, and increase self-esteem

Affirmations are powerful tools that can be used to build confidence, self-assurance, and increase self-esteem. Affirmations are positive statements that affirm something about yourself, others or the world around you. They can be used as a way to ground yourself in the present moment, reframe how you look at a situation and help you stay focused on your goals.
Here are 10 affirmations you can repeat together with your toddler:
1. I am important
2. I believe in myself
3. I can do hard things
4. I learn from my mistakes
5. I’m kind to myself and to others
6. I am strong
7. I am beautiful inside and out
8. I am enough
9. I am loved
10. I love myself as i am
When we use affirmations consistently, they can help us to recognize our own worth and give us a sense of assurance in our abilities. We can start by saying simple phrases like “I am strong” or “I am beautiful inside and out” as reminders of our value and strength. This can begin to shift our mindset towards a more positive outlook on life and ourselves.
Regularly affirming ourselves and being kinder to ourselves is also an important part of building self-esteem. When we tell ourselves positive things it helps us believe in our own ability to succeed, while simultaneously reducing stress and anxiety. Using affirmations such as “I learn from my mistakes” or “I can do hard things” may sound small but they have the power to change how we think about situations or events in our lives that may otherwise trigger low self-esteem.
Affirmations can also help us build strong relationships with those around us. When we remind ourselves of the importance of being kind to others with statements like “I am loved” or “I am kind to myself and others” it helps us connect with those around us in healthier ways by increasing empathy and understanding towards their experiences as well as ours.
At their core, affirmations are meant to encourage self-love, positivity, resilience and strength within ourselves so that we can live healthier, more fulfilled lives. With regular practice of using affirmations throughout your day you will find yourself feeling more confident in who you are becoming each day!

20. High fives or hugs from friends can be great mood boosters

The simple act of receiving a high five or hug from a friend can be an instant mood booster and can have a major positive impact on your day. It’s not just the physical contact that makes it so special, but also the connection and affirmation that comes with it. Receiving these kinds of signs of appreciation and affection can help give you an emotional boost, making you feel like someone out there cares about what’s happening in your life and wants to share in your joys or sorrows.
High fives are usually associated with joyous occasions like winning a game or achieving something major. They are often used as celebratory gestures to show appreciation for a job well done, whether it’s for yourself or someone else. The feeling of physically connecting with another person through a high five is one that cannot be replicated through any other gesture; nothing else quite conveys the level of excitement and enthusiasm than when two hands collide in mid-air for one triumphant moment. Even if you don’t do anything particularly noteworthy, the simple act of sharing high fives with friends can help create feelings of camaraderie, unity, and friendship.
Hugs also provide powerful emotional boosts because they offer comfort and reassurance that everything will be okay. A hug from someone you care about speaks volumes more than words ever could: its gentle embrace conveys an unspoken message that no matter how bad things may seem right now, we’re here together. When someone takes the time out to give us this kind of physical contact—a gesture that says “I care”—it has the power to make us feel better in ways words alone cannot express.
In short, whether it be through high fives or hugs, physical contact between friends as well as kids and parents is a great way to lift spirits and provide much needed emotional support when times get tough. Such gestures remind us that we are not alone and that our friends are always there for us when we need them most; in turn reminding us to savor every moment spent with each other while we can!

21. Gratitude reminders of all the wonderful things we have can help regulate toddlers emotions and reset our minds into a positive mood

Gratitude reminders are an effective way to help regulate the emotions of toddlers. It is important for kids to be aware of the positive things in their life and to have gratitude for all that they have. With gratitude reminders, toddlers can learn how to recognize and appreciate the positive things in their lives, which can reduce negative emotions like anger and sadness.

When it comes to teaching toddlers about gratitude, parents should start by setting an example. Showing your toddler how you take time each day to appreciate what you have can lead them down a path of gratitude themselves. Create a “gratitude wall” or use simple reminder cards with images or words that represent something they are thankful for. This could be anything from family members or nature scenes to pictures of favorite toys or foods.
It is also important to discuss why being grateful is beneficial and how it makes us feel good inside. Talk about the impact others have when we express our appreciation for them and explain that expressing gratitude can make others happy too - creating a ripple effect! Additionally, get creative with activities such as journaling, using arts & crafts, playing music, engaging in role play scenarios, or playing games related to practicing thankfulness.
Overall, helping toddlers practice gratitude can not only benefit their mental health but also provide meaningful lessons for these young minds about the importance of recognizing and valuing what we have regardless of size or cost. It is an invaluable lesson that will stay with them throughout their lives if taught properly from a young age!

22. Taking time for yourself, reading, drawing, or playing outside can help process events and emotions for toddlers and parents

The idea of taking time for yourself, reading, drawing, or playing outside can sometimes be a hard concept to grasp when dealing with toddlers as they often have so much energy and want to stay engaged in activities. However, it is important for both the parent and child to take time out and focus on themselves. This time can be used in multiple ways such as reading a book together and discussing the events within it or using art as an outlet for expressing emotions and thoughts. Taking part in calming activities such as these can help toddlers process certain events that may have happened earlier in the day which could not have been processed immediately due to their lack of experience and understanding.
Parents too may need this time to relax from stress levels that have built throughout the day and allow them to think more clearly about how to react or handle certain situations with their toddler. It is easy for parents to become overwhelmed when trying to navigate through parenting but if they give themselves some respite then they will feel more rejuvenated and better equipped to deal with any issues that arise. This can also help build a stronger bond between parent and child as it allows them both the chance to understand each other better while still providing support when needed.
Overall, taking time out for yourself is key when looking after toddlers as it will help both parties process events in a productive manner while also finding ways to de-stress from daily life. Whether this takes the form of reading or drawing just remember that this downtime is necessary for both you and your toddler.
Parenting is a challenging job and we can use all the help we need. When it comes to regulating our toddlers' emotions, there are many techniques that can be used. Staying organized and clutter-free at home, providing art activities like coloring, drawing, and painting, acknowledging accidents, asking for help when needed, retracing their steps or discussions for clarification, taking breaks outside to change the environment and movement activities like dancing can all help with emotional regulation. Subtler tasks such as counting to 10 and drinking water after an emotional outburst can not be discounted as they too can have a calming effect. It's important to understand what is out of our control so that anxious feelings don't escalate and do something we love as an outlet. Taking breaks throughout the day and blowing bubbles are more tangible methods of redirecting energy away from big feelings after acknowledgment has taken place. Petting an animal or getting hugs may provide an additional layer of comfort during difficult times. Listening to music or singing songs are also good form of self-soothing while providing affirmations through gratitude reminders of all the wonderful things we have would increase our toddlers’ self-esteem and confidence levels . Ultimately parents need support along this journey which starts with helping your toddler learn how to best regulate their emotions with these simple tactics in a supportive environment filled with patience, understanding, love and comfort. To help your toddler learn and understand their emotions and different ways of regulating them check out Learn about Emotions and Feeling Toddler Learning Video with Silly Miss Lily from Paisley's' Corner.
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